Wild Entheology is a platform for you to discover interesting and authentic conversations about psychedelics as an aid for self-improvement, psychological healing, and spirituality. Your hosts, Kaylee and Will, are both psychology students who aim to become psychotherapists. They've been involved in psychedelics and self-improvement for a decade and hope to bring you all the wisdom and education that they've uncovered for themselves.
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Wild Entheology Company Acid Trip 2: Electric Godaloo
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
You do not have to listen to Part 1 to listen to this episode.
In this episode, we focus mostly on Will's trip and his God realization. Obviously this is a controversial topic and so you may need to read the show notes below for a few clarifications during the podcast. Fortunately there is a lot of build-up that covers how he came to this realization, and then we spend a sizeable amount of time clearing up what he actually means by God. Then we talk about what we did wrong with our first psychedelic journey together and what we need to do in the future to make sure it goes better. We hope you enjoy.
Check out Will's youtube channel on porn addiction recovery - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSowHmBwUltSPGLoxYoQ8NQ
Have issues with porn addiction? Sign up for a free consultation - https://www.willcameron.org/booking
As is always the case, psychedelics are not a toy. Please use them responsibly. We can only speak to our own psychological and spiritual evolution, we cannot speak to yours. If you have mental health issues please seek a professional. There is no shame in getting help and you will never be judged for your problems. We wish you the best in life and in mental health.
Show Notes for Will's Trip
- 1:59 - Doing acid for the first time was less daunting than doing a psychedelic with another person, though it turns out this was really not a huge issue. At least for this trip.
- 9:33 - Putting himself in the shoes of a shy person, Will began to realize how anxiety is created by interpreting reality in a way that reinforces that anxiety, and that this process of creation extends beyond just anxiety.
- 18:00 - How can we say that we are individuals, when who we are is so shaped by the people around us who are in turn shaped by us?
- 23:44 - No matter what you do, you are ultimately putting the responsibility on your own shoulders.
- 27:29 - Writing down, "every moment is yourself doing it to yourself. Even externally, you are it," led to a God realization…
- 30:46 - For clarity: your anxiety riddled brain is the Universe and your subjective experience of that anxiety is also the Universe. The Universe has built itself in such a way that it can experience anxiety. It has done the anxiety to itself for its own enjoyment.
- 32:26 - What do you mean its own enjoyment? Good question…
- 41:13 - Is this experience at the very least reminiscent of the "spiritual enlightenment," most religious traditions seem to have some sort of spin on?
- 47:00 - Attempting to explain what Will means by Universe-God as opposed to the Sky-God-King of many religious traditions. A property of the Universe is that it can intend, but does intention predate the evolution of human consciousness?
- 51:16 - Our ability to explain our experience is defined, and therefore limited, by our cultural upbringing. How can we possibly say we understand what the founders of religions meant by God when they were living in a completely different culture, often thousands of years old?
- 57:19 - Is a God-realization narcissistic? Yes, but only for people who aren't Will, the one true God. In all seriousness, this is what happens when the apple assumes the Tree is the apple, rather than realizing there is no apple, only the Tree.
- 1:04:38 - Not honouring the psychedelic-enhanced container we had created for one another.
- 1:18:59 - Lessons we took from our experience. For Kaylee, being comfortable with being uncomfortable. For Will, taking his spiritual practice more seriously now that he has a better idea what it's actually aiming toward.
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Wild Entheology Company Acid Trip - Part One
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
You can listen Part 2 without having listened to this episode.
In this episode, Kaylee reports on her side of the LSD trip done alongside Will. This was their first time tripping together with the intention to bond within the psychedelic space. She speaks to the challenges and anxieties that come with letting go in the presence of someone new and learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. The gradual process of letting go of tensions culminated in an undoing of self and dissolution of boundaries between subject and object that was experienced as the pure beauty of the moment. We hope you enjoy.
Check out Will's youtube channel on porn addiction recovery - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSowHmBwUltSPGLoxYoQ8NQ
Have issues with porn addiction? Sign up for a free consultation - https://www.willcameron.org/booking
As is always the case, psychedelics are not a toy. Please use them responsibly. We can only speak to our own psychological and spiritual evolution, we cannot speak to yours. If you have mental health issues, please seek a professional. There is no shame in getting help and you will never be judged for your problems. We wish you the best in life and in mental health.
Show Notes
- 0:58 - Doing psychedelics together for the first time brought its anxieties. It's a very vulnerable state to be in with somebody else present.
- 4:19 - Setting is extremely important, so being responsible for creating that setting can be intimidating. You're trying to be in a more carefree state but that responsibility looms over your head.
- 9:22 - Being prepared for the trip itself and setting the intention. Our intention was to work on our bond as friends and as co-creators.
- 12:05 - Foreshadowed by the responsibility to prepare the setting, Kaylee was now on LSD and becoming increasingly conscious about how much she curated herself and her actions for the benefit of others. Your authentic self is a gift to the people in your life. They want to know who you are, not who you think they want you to be.
- 21:34 - Letting go and surrendering as opposed to resistance in what you need to feel. Our mind does whatever it can to distract us from negative emotion when simply sitting and feeling it is the way through it.
- 26:33 - Learning that real maturity and discipline are generated from within, rather than imposed from without. If you aren't capable of acting out in anger, then you aren't capable of being disciplined and calm. You're simply powerless.
- 28:34 - Two hours after dosing we decided to take more because we hadn't felt anything yet. We had resistance to doing this because we could lie to ourselves and say, "oh we definitely did acid together, but not much happened," rather than taking the full plunge.
- 32:38 - Speaking of taking the plunge, Kaylee finally just started playing the music she wanted to listen to. She faced the fear of not knowing how somebody is going to react to something authentic to her. You can't truly connect with somebody until you reveal your authenticity.
- 39:13 - Finally surrendered to her fears, Kaylee found herself able to sink into the present moment. She felt freed from her anxiety and fear surrounding feeling uncomfortable, in other words, she was no longer resisting the anxiety or fear.
- 43:43 - Alex Grey's ability to represent simple expressions that hold incredible meaning between people helped give her a new perspective on how we attempt to share our own subjective experiences with other people.
- 50:18 - The boundaries between self and other began to fall away as she meditated on a crystal. She found herself come fully to a place where she could offer her authenticity without second guessing herself. This allowed her to truly experience what she was feeling without filtering it through what others might think.
- 1:00:33 - Fully experience your life without the need to capture it for later. Modern technology has forced us to relearn how to just experience something. Once we do that, maybe this means we'll enjoy it so much more.
Tuesday May 31, 2022
How Real are Psychedelic Insights?
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
In this episode we discuss how “real” psychedelic insights into the self and reality actually are. Such insights include uncovering traumatic repressed memories, facilitator-induced modifications to belief systems, and deep revelations about the true nature of reality (birds aren’t real, wake up sheep!). We cover what can go wrong with each of these categories, and then discuss how we should actually approach these insights to ensure that we’re taking the most out of them. We hope you enjoy.
Check out Will's youtube channel on porn addiction recovery - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSowHmBwUltSPGLoxYoQ8NQ
Have issues with porn addiction? Sign up for a free consultation - https://www.willcameron.org/booking
As is always the case, psychedelics are not a toy. Please use them responsibly. We can only speak to our own psychological and spiritual evolution, we cannot speak to yours. If you have mental health issues, please seek a professional. There is no shame in getting help and you will never be judged for your problems. If at any point you uncover a traumatic memory, please, work with a therapist before acting on this memory. They will help you move forward in a healthy way. We wish you the best in life and in mental health.
Show Notes
- 0:00 - For how powerful psychedelics can be, how real are the insights you receive?
- 1:49 - Shouldn't we be able to tell the difference?
- 3:54 - When we say real often what we mean is helpful, but this can get fuzzy.
- 7:25 - What happens if something is helpful, but doesn't correspond to what's real? Seems like we're getting circular here, but an example from Joseph Tafur and Shamanic Rituals may help us.
- 10:55 - Trying to define what a bad insight is. It can mean getting stuck because of a trip and it can mean being motivated in negative ways, even if the outcome could be described as positive.
- 16:21 - Taking the experience slow, working with someone, and opening yourself up can help. This isn't meant to be an indictment of psychedelics, more an indictment of poor preparation and integration.
- 17:48 - The double-edged sword of psychedelic revelations. The very insights that drive the benefit, can be what create the psychological distress.
- 18:51 - Three types of psychedelic insight: Biographical Events, Facilitator-Induced Insights, and Metaphysical Insights; and what can go wrong when we remember something that didn't happen.
- 25:06 - The facilitator of the experience can help us interpret the experiences in ways that are defined by that facilitator's belief system.
- 32:54 - There is a need to create a safe container, informed by empiricism, for people to explore themselves when the psychedelic experience can attach meaning to certain things they wouldn't have otherwise consented to give meaning to.
- 37:20 - What we mean by empiricism, and the limitations of scientific control.
- 46:00 - Creating a safe container doesn't mean a sterile container. It means creating a space that a person feels comfortable in to explore their own consciousness and their own beliefs.
- 53:55 - Metaphysical revelations can be what drives the greatest benefit, but that doesn't speak to the veracity of these revelations.
- 59:05 - How can we verify the nature of reality? The intensity of our belief says nothing about the truth value of that belief. Even our direct experience cannot be trusted. What are we to do?
- 1:05:57 - Talking about real and helpful in a therapeutic context when psychedelic experiences transcend our ability to explain with language.
- 1:09:46 - In all that we know and act from, we are operating with a fake framework. We cannot know something with a full and complete understanding, let alone act with a full and complete understanding. Our map is not the territory.
- 1:16:26 - Fake fwameworks are not only necessary to navigate the psychedelic experience, but are also necessary to improve oneself given the fact that we can't know the final, best answer to the problem of our imperfection. This protects us from our own narcissistic ideological machinations about our own beliefs.
- 1:20:06 - This works very well for facilitator-induced and metaphysical insights because we aren't wholeheartedly accepting whatever we learn from the psychedelic. The point of the psychedelic is to give you a flexible map of reality, not an absolutistic one.
- 1:24:33 - Seeing someone without the filter of the self blurring our view can help us widen our self-concept once the self returns.
- 1:29:33 - The idea of fake frameworks may not work as well when it comes to traumatic biographical events, or at the very least, it is much more difficult to do. In this case, you must work with a therapist before acting on the memory. Even if you normally do them on your own, if such a memory comes up please work with a therapist.
- 1:34:38 - We as a society have to choose what we want to educate ourselves about. We shouldn't have to worry about psychological issues when we have 12 years of schooling to teach at least some skills for psychological healing.
- 1:44:23 - What if we had learned how to meditate in school?
Joseph Tafur - The Fellowship of the River
Towards Psychedelic Apprenticeship - Timmerman et al. (2020)
Consciousness, Religion, and Gurus - Johnson (2020)
In Praise of Fake Frameworks
Actualized.org - How Psychedelics Work
Nine Levels of Increasing Embrace in Ego Development - Cook-Greuter (2013)
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Psychedelics as a Catalyst for Somatic Experiencing
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
In this episode we discuss Somatic Experiencing, a body based method for the healing of trauma, both big and small. It was created by Peter A. Levine, a trauma therapist, who discovered that by reconnecting to our body we can release the emotional baggage that we hold due to traumatic experiences and development issues. We also go into how psychedelics can be a catalyst for reconnecting to our body and becoming a healthier, more lively individual. By transcending the overly analytical mind we are able to begin doing the work that leads to wholeness. We hope you enjoy.
Check out Will's youtube channel on porn addiction recovery - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSowHmBwUltSPGLoxYoQ8NQ
Have issues with porn addiction? Sign up for a free consultation - https://www.willcameron.org/booking
As is always the case, psychedelics are not a toy. Please use them responsibly. We can only speak to our own psychological and spiritual evolution, we cannot speak to yours. If you have mental health issues, please seek a professional. There is no shame in getting help and you will never be judged for your problems. We wish you the best in life and in mental health.
Show Notes
- 00:00 - Introduction and passage meditation
- 02:14 - Reconnecting to the body to heal
- 05:16 - What do we mean by healing, and broadening the definition of trauma
- 08:21 - Procedural learning and the body-based memory of trauma
- 14:51 - The difficulties of parenting without trauma and learning to get out of your own way
- 21:26 - The stress response is adaptive, but can backfire with our rational mind pulling us out of our body
- 27:11 - Now rather than avoiding our body and emotions, we have to come back to our body and emotions
- 33:35 - Healing with the body doesn't necessarily require any insight into the problem
- 38:39 - The process of pendulation and other methods for somatic experiencing
- 48:46 - Wim Hof breathing and challenging your body to master your body
- 51:27 - Psychedelics as a means of releasing into somatic experiencing
- 55:27 - Using spirituality as a distraction from doing spiritual work or even getting help from a doctor
- 1:00:50 - Psychedelics help you get to the root of the problem, whereas antidepressants can too often be about symptom management
- 1:06:54 - Psychedelics are not a magic pill, it requires A LOT of work before and after
- 1:08:49 - The body can become an open book with psychedelics, helping lighten the shade of an overly analytical mind
- 1:12:42 - Mystical-type experiences via psychedelics
- 1:16:41 - The visionary aspect of psychedelic experiences
- 1:19:00 - Self-improvement is never over, and parting words
Peter A. Levine - Waking the Tiger
Wim Hof Breathing Technique
Eknath Easwaran - Passage Meditation
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Ubuntu - Spiral Dynamics Purple
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
In this episode we discuss Will's Spiral Dynamics Stage Purple mushroom trip. Spiral Dynamics is a theory of societal development in which each stage is a map of understanding utilized by societies at various periods in the past. Each subsequent stage evolves out of the previous stage's inability to adequately explain the ever changing reality as that society increases in population, technological capability, etc. Stage Purple is the map of understanding used in small tribes and so is integrated in our early life with our family and the beginnings of our schooling. As such, this episode covers Will's experience with bullying and how it defined his Stage Purple map of understanding. We hope you enjoy.
Check out Will's youtube channel on porn addiction recovery - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSowHmBwUltSPGLoxYoQ8NQ
Have issues with porn addiction? Sign up for a free consultation - https://www.willcameron.org/booking
If you'd like to know more about Spiral Dynamics, please see our first episode, "Introducing Wild Entheology." Not only do we introduce it in more depth, but in the description you will find several links to videos and books that explain this incredibly fascinating model. We begin the discussion at 17:10.
As is always the case, psychedelics are not a toy. Please use them responsibly. We can only speak to our own psychological and spiritual evolution, we cannot speak to yours. If you have mental health issues, please seek a professional. There is no shame in getting help and you will never be judged for your problems. We wish you the best in life and in mental health.
Stage Purple:
- 2:28 - Stage Purple of Spiral Dynamics as the theme for this trip
- 9:24 - as applied to personal development and the use of psychedelics - how shadow elements of each stage can show up in our own lives
- 15:53 - experience with bullying, the tribe as a place of pain
- 23:13 - Intention for this trip - healing connection to the tribe
- 27:33 - Ubuntu - "I am because we are"
The Trip:
- 29:12 - Importance of setting
- 30:52 - Study about the power of reappraising our physiological sensations
- 34:23 - our language/code informs our experiences and influences our perception of reality
- 41:26 - being held by reality - immense gratitude for family and friends
- 49:35 - periods of self-attack - and then Ubuntu - the savior - overcome with acceptance
- 53:45 - coming down - becoming more "realistic". The tribe can only extend so far. Checking phone and connecting to the horrible things happening in the world.
- 57:27 - A healthy purple is a healthy tribe - realizing that there is nothing to fix! Positive self-improvement – desire to develop not from a place of lack, but from a place of love
- 1:01:24 - attachment theory as it applies to spiral dynamics (stage purple and red)
Purple Integration on a Personal and Societal Level:
- 1:09:08 - focusing on gratitude instead of lack, from needing to giving
- 1:09:45 - Shifting attention back to what we can influence, the impact we can have on the here and now with those immediately around us.
- 1:13:36 - psychedelics and stage purple - honouring the traditional shamanistic ways of healing
- 1:16:15 - healing connection to the tribe in the time of covid
- 1:30:06 - Resources for anyone who has been alone or struggling through the pandemic
- Get Excited: Reappraising Pre-Performance Anxiety as Excitement
Resources for mental health:
- https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/mental-health-services/mental-health-get-help.html
- https://www.campaigntoendloneliness.org/resources-2/
- https://www.endsocialisolation.org/covid19
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Picking Up the Paintbrush
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
In this episode we discuss Kaylee's recent trip, and the insights she learned about her own creative power. In short, she learned that it was her decision to pick up the paintbrush and do what she would with it.
Check out Will's youtube channel on porn addiction recovery - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSowHmBwUltSPGLoxYoQ8NQ
Have issues with porn addiction? Sign up for a free consultation - https://www.willcameron.org/booking
As is always the case, psychedelics are not a toy. Please use them responsibly. We can only speak to our own psychological and spiritual evolution, we cannot speak to yours. If you have mental health issues, please seek a professional. There is no shame in getting help and you will never be judged for your problems. We wish you the best in life and in mental health.
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
Psychedelic Today with Matthew Johnson
Show Notes
Recent experiences leading up to the trip
- Quarantine and breakup
- Anxiety issues
- The difficulties of reaching out for help
- Embracing emotions as a means of getting rid of them
- Insomnia as a major symptom
Intention - 7:45
- To surrender via the unpredictability of the psychedelic experience
- Psychedelics recontextualize
- The Trip - 9:34
- Coming up was...INTENSE! Surprise surprise
- Going fully into the emotions, embracing them, helped
- School teaches us how to store information in our head
- A green ladder made of perspective
- At its foot, was the material world
- Beginning to separate the label from the thing being labelled
- Ascending the ladder and at its top...CONSCIOUSNESS
- There is a chair somewhere "out there" that you perceive via a mental construction within your own consciousness
- This "out there stuff" was left at the bottom of the ladder
- All mental phenomena, the "in your head stuff," that has ever been experienced was an infinite ocean at the top of the ladder
- Kaylee experienced having access to all beauty and suffering that humans had ever experienced
- Gratitude for being Kaylee
- Freedom from suffering via separation of label and labelled
- But this didn't seem like the answer, it seemed like Spiritual Bypassing
- David Deida...Deyeda?...Deida...yeah Deida...talking about sexual repression as a roadblock to enlightenment
- Living life inside your head
- Needing to escape the day to day
- Yet a sense of dissatisfaction and discouragement with life
- The difficulty of embodying the psychedelic experience
- The ease of not participating in life
- We use our will and our attention to create our reality
- Having access to this experience of infinite consciousness created a feeling of intense responsibility
- The psychedelic experience can be so profound despite the silliness of the symbolism
Analysis and Integration ~44:56
- Taking school more seriously is part of showing up in the material world
- Rather than being cynical about how it isn't perfect, put in the work to make it something you want to do
- You have to put the passion into life
- Being a professional is a choice you make every day, but you have to be one to make it
- The War of Art
- Steven Pressfield interprets the quote, "Eternity is in love with the productions of time," by William Blake
- The Flow state and the universe speaking through people in the creative process
- The courage to create
- Being less in her head by experiencing herself through video and audio recordings
- Not being afraid of herself and being alone with herself anymore
- Giving herself permission to be silly
- Through experiencing yourself as you are, you realize that you really are good enough
- The beauty of self-improvement is that you always get to do more
- Psychedelics help you make yourself better
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Introducing Wild Entheology
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
As is always the case, psychedelics are not a toy. Please use them responsibly. We can only speak to our own psychological and spiritual evolution, we cannot speak to yours. If you have mental health issues, please seek a professional. There is no shame in getting help and you will never be judged for your problems. We wish you the best in life and in mental health.
Check out Will's youtube channel on porn addiction recovery - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSowHmBwUltSPGLoxYoQ8NQ
Have issues with porn addiction? Sign up for a free consultation - https://www.willcameron.org/booking
In this Episode We Discuss
- A mental health disclaimer
- A brief introduction of your hosts - 2:49
- Defining "Wild Entheology" - 6:25
- What we hope to offer you - 11:50
- Introducing Spiral Dynamics - 17:00
For further information about Spiral Dynamics:
- The first two videos in Actualized.org's video series
- The Grand Model of Psychological Evolution
- Spiral Dynamics Stage Purple
- In the podcast, I (Will) mentioned the second video was Stage Blue. This was how they were released chronologically, but as the model goes, Purple would be the first stage he covers. It really is up to you, but it doesn't matter which of the two orders you watch them in if you're watching them all.
- The Listening Society by Hanzi Freinacht
- https://www.amazon.ca/Listening-Society-Metamodern-Guide-Politics/dp/8799973901/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=hanzi+freinacht+the+listening+society&link_code=qs&qid=1614269354&sr=8-1&tag=hp-ca2-vsb-20
- There are definitely limitations to Spiral Dynamics, and other associated theories. Hanzi's book will give you a very nuanced view of what these theories actually mean, and how and why they are actually useful for the world in the coming years. This was the best book I read in 2020 and I cannot recommend it enough.